
Good life is a continues movement. @ MCG/Technology #2024 Fabulous Present..

My Valentines goodies is here, and today .. Cheers to a happy days ahead.

Olu Ebube .. Nke onye neme ya gi shiike.... No Dolling. Duplex housing Conduit work in process

Bigger Contract or Smaller Contract my brother join them all... Money for purse wei no de increase must decrease.... Our country today nah for persin wei sabi hustle..✊🤏🏻💪✍️🙏🏽

Happy birthday to a very Forward, hardworking, cheerful, well Recognised Communist, A good Fellow, Mentor, Good Friend and a Future Dad.. All Congratulations and Celebration goes to the CEO MCG/Technology Engr Miracle C. Osondu.. from Miracle Garage Technology we wish you more happy years and greater Achievements as you have been a blessings to many... Happy birthday Sir.

Amazing Time with Friends around the Country

A Happy New Age to this Amazing And Gentile Soul.. Enjoy you day Man, ur deserve it ... Celebrations goes to Doctor Calistus Gyang Nyam(Fwch).

Just A problem, but meeting solutions in several ways.. MCG/Technology.. 2024

Installation, Maintenance, Repairs And Consulting.. We Are MCG/Technology ®2024 Presents.

Dinner Night for All CEOs and Reservations 2024..

2024. The Truth for Words.. And how it all Begins

2024.. All the way that Leads To the Dream Land is This......

To Honoring Miss Path Medical and Laboratory.. And this goes to Miss Taye. Congratulations, welldone from MCG/Technology